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New workspaces as light commercial units handover at Ryves Vale in Tickenham

We’re pleased to announce that we have successfully delivered six new workspaces for the North Somerset business community in Tickenham!

The environmentally friendly, barn-style complex of six commercial units forms part of our Ryves Vale development in Tickenham.  This is a collection of 32 zero-carbon homes which use renewable energy instead of fossil fuels for heat and power.

New workspaces powered by solar

We’ve built six new workspaces, providing an additional 900m2 of high-quality commercial space in North Somerset.  Each 150m2 unit spans two storeys.  There’s an office, kitchenette area and w/c shower room on the ground floor.  Upstairs there’s a large open plan office.  The space comes fully equipped with fibre broadband and solar panels.

As part of the planning permission for the site, we handed the completed units back to the original landowners.  They are now marketing them for sale via David James.  Pictured is Amelia Taylor, Director of Tickenham Court Farm and Tickenham Gate Commercial, along with Jeremy Drew and Mark Holden from Newland Homes.

Significant s106 contributions

The development at Ryves Vale has generated significant S106 contributions.  This includes the contribution of over £200,000 to support education provision in the local community, and £10,000 to the village hall for repair works.   The 32 new homes have proven extremely popular with buyers and over 85% of the new homes are now sold.  This is largely thanks to their ‘A’ rating for high energy efficiency and low environmental impact.

Thanks must be extended to Colin Stratton and Victoria Stanley at Osbourne Clarke Solicitors, along with Mark Tunstall at Frank Timothy Associates for assisting us in this project and helping us deliver on our promises, yet again.  Thanks also to Stewart Walters at David James.

Read more about the commercial units

View the remaining homes at Ryves Vale, Tickenham

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